We Are Reopening! Here's a word from the Warden
The Team at Lees Wood is pleased to announce the limited reopening of the site for visitors from the following Districts only:
- Watford North Scout District
- Watford South Scout District
- Southwest Herts Guides
Opening times from Monday 12th April 2021
- Mon – Fri evenings 6pm – 9pm
- Saturday morning 9.30am – 12.30pm
- Saturday afternoon 2pm – 5pm
- Earlier start times for Beavers and Rainbows on an individual basis and with prior agreement
All groups must vacate the site promptly as the gates will be closed at 9.15pm after evening sessions and 5.15pm on Saturdays .
Sessions are by advance booking only , no casual or adhoc visitors will be admitted at this time .
General information
- Limited reopening does not include the use of any buildings except designated toilets.
- There are no Lees Wood led activities available .
i.e. Archery, Shooting , Climbing , Giant Games , Pedal Carts and Slack Lines are not available at this time .
- Assault Course , Beaver Fort and Shop will remain closed .
Activity Zones
The Site has 3 Colour Coded Activity Zones available to book each zone has the following facilities for exclusive use
- Both green field and woodland space
- Sufficient tables and chairs
- Dedicated parking
- Dedicated toilets ( essential hot water in all ) disabled facilities on request
- Outside taps
- 2 altar fires
Each Zone is boundaried by tracks and marked on the site map which will accompany your booking confirmation . Groups must remain in their allocated Zone at all times.
- Blue Zone………..Beeches Complex
- Purple Zone…….Les Willis Field
- Green Zone …….Main Camp site
The Red Zone marked on the map is for Lees Wood Staff only and is currently Out of Bounds to all visitors .
- Each Zone will be restricted to one “ bubble “. Current guidelines permit Ratio Numbers of young people and 5 leaders/ adults .
- All members of the bubble must remain within the confines of their designated zone.
- Any parents/ carers who wish to remain on site during the activities must remain in their vehicles at all times.
- All parent/ carers must know which Zone they are meant to be at prior to arriving on site to limit the amount of face to face contact with Lees Wood Staff .
- Visiting Groups must bring and use their own hand sanitisers and remove all their belongings and rubbish from the site at the end of their session. The skip is not available for visitors to use at this time .
- Altar fires , tables , chairs and toilets will be sanitised by Lees Wood Staff between Sessions, so please do not stack chairs or empty altar fires at this time.
Bookings will only be taken by email from Monday 29th March 2021 a minimum of 7 days in advance to :
Bookings will be accepted on a first come first served basis
Please be aware that only 1 bubble will be allowed in each Zone .
Track and Trace
Groups must keep adequate records of all people attending the site , including parents /carers dropping off and collecting young people .
In the event of Positive notification to an individual Group , the Group leader must inform Lees Wood immediately so that we can inform other Groups who were on site at that time.
To enable us to do this quickly and efficiently, it is a requirement of booking , that each Group provides the names and mobile numbers of 2 Leaders with their booking request.
Lees Wood looks forward to welcoming you back , so please book in and enjoy your visit .
- activities -
reasons to visit
Nature Trail
The Nature trail comes in 2 sections, which can be combined to create a massive course! The First Part of the Nature Trail takes you on a Journey...
Photo Quiz
Our onsite Photo Quiz is always a good way to familiarise yourself with the site, available for free use from the shop.
Onsite Activities
At Lees Wood we offer a variety of different activities, from suction dart cross bows for beavers, to our 3 stages of difficulty on the climbing...
Offsite Activities
There is lots to do nearby at Lees Wood, but here are some of our highlights. Large Scale Orienteering Course Lees Wood is bordered by...